
How to Beat Traffic Tickets

State Traffic Tickets

Which states share speeding ticket information?

Most states in the U.S. have reciprocal agreements with each other regarding motor vehicle violation convictions of drivers. The shared information may be about a minor offense, such as a speeding ticket, or a major offense, such as a DUI.



The main reciprocal agreements, with regards to traffic violations, are the Driver’s License Compact (DLC) and Non-Resident Violator Compact (NRVC). There is also the Driver’s License Agreement (DLA); however, it doesn't yet have the state membership that the other two compacts currently have.

Member states of the Driver’s License Compact (DLC) share traffic ticket convictions of drivers with other states.

Five states don’t share speeding ticket information with other states: Georgia, Massachusetts, Michigan, Tennessee, and Wisconsin.

Member states of the Non-Resident Violator Compact (NRVC) must suspend the driver’s license of anyone who fails to pay or legally resolve moving violations in another state.

States that are not NRVC members: Alaska, California, Michigan, Montana, Oregon, and Wisconsin.

The National Driver Register contains records of those whose license has been revoked, suspended, or been convicted of DUI throughout the U.S.

The members include all states except:.

  • • Georgia
  • • Massachusetts
  • • Michigan
  • •Tennessee
  • • Wisconsin

Massachusetts passed a law in 1988 that would allow the state to participate in the DLC, but it never actually joined the database network, according to several lawyers that specialize in traffic violations. In March of 2016, for instance, a Rhode Island driver who had his licensed permanently revoked after seven DUI arrests in that state, was cited for drunken driving in Massachusetts where he had obtained a new license. His Massachusetts license was suspended after the violation, according to several news reports.

Informal out-of-state sharing agreements exist in some states

Even if your state isn't part of the DLC, an out-of-state ticket may still follow you home, because most of these states have informal agreements with other states to exchange information regarding traffic tickets. This is primarily why using TICKETFIXER.com to find a great TRAFFIC TICKET LAWYER that can validate whether you should fight your traffic ticket…